“The Life & Death of Conan part ten The Life of the Great Red Doom”

Writer: Jason Aaron

Artist: Mahmud Asrar

The Crimson Witch thinks she has found the one to revive the god Razazel. He proves a failure, but he did get her pregnant. She gives birth to a son and daughter. Later she has her head cut off by Conan but still manages to survive. Over the years they watch Conan and wait for his blood to be infused with Death Magic. He continues to survive, and they take him to their tower. Conan’s blood revives Razazel but he escapes and chops off the witch’s head. Only a falling rock kills him, and it looks as if his blood will revive Razazel.

“Black Starlight Part 10”

by John C. Hocking

Conan manages to escape the fortress to a pathway on a hill. He is attacked by a giant flying leech and wounded.

This issue is getting to the end of the 12-issue saga. This story focuses on the two young kids of the Crimson Witch. We find out their origins and what they did while waiting for Conan to ripen. Conan looks to cheat death once again but end with him dead. A big cliffhanger for next issue. The prose story continues Conan’s adventure and also ends on a cliffhanger with Conan’s life in danger.

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