“The Bird Men of Akah Ma’at!”

Writer: Michael Fleisher

Artists: John Buscema & Ernie Chan

Conan is riding his horse over a rope bridge when it breaks. He manages to grab on and climb to safety but his horse is gone. So he ends up at the nearest city. The local lord has decided to claim a beautiful woman to spend the night with. She refuses and a fight begins with his guards. The guards push Conan which gets him mad and he joins in. Only the city guard comes and arrests the two. Luckily the woman has a power ring that blasts a hole in the wall. The two steal some horses and their weapons and ride off.

Later around a campfire Conan finds out the woman has big wings. She is Alhambra and from a race of bird people. They live in a floating city called Akah Ma’at. She explains that they have lived in peace from the evil bat people called the Ur-Xamarrah becauses of a power cylinder. This cylinder powers these batons that float around the city. Only one day an evil man tried to steal the cylinder. He was shot down but the cylinder fell to Earth. Alhambra is there to find it.

They are later attacked by men flying giant flies. Conan and Alhambra manage to fall into a river and fake their death. The search takes them to a castle of a wizard. This wizard Raskos B’quen has overheard their conversation and now knows the power of the cylinder. He orders his men to kill the two. A fight ensues where Alhambra is shot with an arrow. Conan defeats the men and a three headed dragon conjured up by the wizard. The wizard escapes and Alhambra dies in Conan’s arms.

This was a wild story. At first Alhambra seems a normal woman but the reveal of her having wings is a big surprise. The whole floating cities and winged races are one of those wild trademarks of a Fleisher story. Also present are the awkward names. This guy really has a talent for the goofiest names. A fun and enjoyable story with a tragic ending and the promise that Conan will now continue Alhambra’s quest to save her people.

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